39 turflon ester instructions
Turflon Ester Ultra - Sunspot Supply Turflon Ester Ultra Application Instructions Broadcast Treatment of Ornamental Turf Apply foliage sprays during warm weather, early spring through fall, when weeds are actively growing. Apply 1/2 to 1 quart of TurfionflEsterflUltra per acre in enough wat ... Turflon Ester Ultra is a specialty herbicide formulated with Triclopyr for post ... Turflon® Ester Ultra specialty herbicide - Corteva.us 1See control of kikuyugrass under application instructions on the label. Recommended use rates Broadcast application • Apply ½ to 1 quart of Turflon Ester Ultra per acre Spot treatment of ornamental turf • Mix ⅜ to ¾ fl. oz. of Turflon Ester Ultra per 1,000 sq. ft. with enough water to provide uniform coverage of the
princegardening.com › residential-guide-toResidential Guide to Triclopyr Herbicide - Prince Gardening Active Ingredient: 2,4-D, butoxyethyl ester 34.4% Triclopyr, butoxyethyl ester 16.5%. Crossbow is a non-selective post-emergent herbicide that targets woody plants and brush such as blackberries and poison oak, as well as annual and perennial broadleaves, while leaving grasses unharmed. $72.00 from DoMyOwn.com.

Turflon ester instructions
Turflon Ester - Do It Yourself Pest Control Turflon Ester will control hard to control weeds such as Oxalis, Ground Ivy, Wild Violet, Clover and many other broadleaf weeds. Contains 61.6% active ingredient for use on cool season turf only. One pint covers up to 20,000 sq. ft. Spot Treatment: Mix 4 teaspoons in 1 gallon of water (1 teaspoon in a small quart sprayer) in hand pump sprayer ... PDF TURFLON Ester TM Do not use or store near heat or open flame. Do not cut Mixing Instructions When TURFLON Ester is mixed with water, it forms an emulsion (not a solution) and separation may occur unless the spray mixture is agitated continuously. Conversion Table 1 ounce = 2 tablespoons 1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons Tank Mixing To improve the spectrum of activity, TURFLON Ester may be tank mixed Dow AgroSciences Turflon Ester Ultra Herbicide 1 Gallon Choose items to buy together. This item: Dow AgroSciences Turflon Ester Ultra Herbicide 1 Gallon. $270.06 FREE Shipping. In stock. Usually ships within 2 to 3 days. Ships from and sold by Redwood Chemical Products. Southern Ag Surfactant for Herbicides Non-Ionic, 128oz - 1 Gallon.
Turflon ester instructions. Turflon Ester to Control Bermuda Grass: How To Use It HOW TO USE: Turflon Ester Weed Spray For Killing Bermuda Grass. Mixing Instructions. You will not like at least one aspect of this process. We are so conditioned to having products with maximum convenience, that this stipulation will seem stupid. From the label: "When TURFLON Ester is mixed with water, it forms an emulsion (not a solution ... › triclopyr-4-brush-killerTriclopyr 4 Brush Killer (Garlon 4) | Solutions Pest & Lawn Apr 03, 2022 · Garlon 3A (triclopyr amine), Remedy Ultra (triclopyr ester) and glyphosate. For larger brush, mix 6.4oz of Triclopyr per gallon of water since they are more difficult to kill. Reply; Inaccurate; Pest Guide Staff on Nov 22, 2017 › msds › Tenacity Herbicide LabelKEEP OUT OF REACH OF CAUTION - DoMyOwn.com Turflon® ester (triclopyr), Spotlight™ (fluroxypyr), Quicksilver™ (carfentrazone), Basagran® (bentazon), Princep® (simazine), and AAtrex® (atrazine) for safety and efficacy on turfgrasses. Tenacity must be applied at reduced rates (4 fl. oz./A or less) if tank mixed with atrazine, bentazon or simazine. Other tank mixture partners may be PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, TURFLON ESTER ULTRA, 5/2/2011 L 1A / Turflon Ester Ultra / M~ I R Notif /02-25-11 file: Turflon Ester Ultra-566 25Feb11 N.docx Turflon® Ester Ultra EPA Reg. No. 62719-566 ( Source section 3 labeling based on EPA accepted text dated October 3,2006 and notifications dated September 20,2007, February 18, 2010, and June 25,2010. Following are changes by notification: 1.
› Monterey-LG5518-Turflon-Ester-16Amazon.com : Monterey LG5518 Turflon Ester Specialty ... Turflon Ester Specialty Herbicide.Use Turflon Ester specialty herbicide for the control of actively growing annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, bermudagrass and kikuyugrass in perennial bluegrass, perennial ryegrass or tall fescue ornamental turfgrass. ... The instructions are written for a more technical user, not your typical homeowner ... Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer (Garlon 4) | Solutions Pest & Lawn 03.04.2022 · Triclopyr 4 Herbicide is the same as Garlon 4 Herbicide and is designed to control mesquite, sumac, tallow, poison oak, cactus, and other heavy brush. It can also be used basal treatment to kill large trees. Triclopyr 4E provides excellent selective contr Turflon® Ester - Monterey Lawn & Garden Reapply Turflon® Ester at 4-week intervals. Mow newly seeded turfgrass 2 or 3 times before treating. Do not water for 24 hours after application. Do not reseed for 3 weeks after application. This precaution does not apply when bermudagrass turf is overseeded with perennial ryegrass at a minimum reseeding rate of 9.2 lbs. per 1000 sq ft. turflon.pdf - Specimen Label Start agitation and add the recommended amount of Turflon Ester. Provide moderate agitation while completing the addition of water and during application.3 pages
PDF Turflon Ester with Turfl on Ester. • Do not apply Tur fl on Ester to exposed roots of shallow rooted trees and shrubs. • Do not apply to golf course greens. • Do not aerially apply this product. • Do not apply more than 8 lb ae triclopyr per acre per year (2 gallons Turfl on Ester per acre per year or 5.87 fl .oz. Tur fl on Ester PDF Specimen Label - Newsom Seed 2 quarts per acre or 1.5 ounces per 1000 square feet of Turflon Ester in a single application. Control of Kikuyugrass Apply Turflon Ester at a rate of 1/2 to 1 quart per acre. To improve activity, MSMA herbicide may be tank mixed with the 1/2 quart per acre rate of Turflon Ester. Three to four additional applications at 4 to 6 week KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CAUTION - DoMyOwn.com Turflon® ester (triclopyr), Spotlight™ (fluroxypyr), Quicksilver™ (carfentrazone), Basagran® (bentazon), Princep® (simazine), and AAtrex® (atrazine) for safety and efficacy on turfgrasses. Tenacity must be applied at reduced rates (4 fl. oz./A or less) if tank mixed with atrazine, bentazon or simazine. Other tank mixture partners may be Turflon Ester Weed Control | Greenwood Nursery Turflon Ester Weed Control, Triclopyr, is a spring must do! A post emergent herbicide for control of Bermuda grass, Kikuyu grass and broadleaf weeds in cool season grass. Turflon Ester will control Oxalis, Ground Ivy, Wild Violet, Clover and many other broadleaf weeds. Contains 61.6% active ingredient and one half pint covers up to 16,000 sq. ft.
PDF Safety Data Sheet Product name: Turflon® Ester Issue Date: 06/01/2015 Page 6 of 12 Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water no data available Auto-ignition temperature > 325 °C (> 617 °F) Decomposition temperature No test data available Dynamic Viscosity 23.4 mPa.s at 20 °C (68 °F) 10.8 mPa.s at 40 °C (104 °F) Kinematic Viscosity No test data available Explosive properties No
Turflon Ester Herbicide | Solutions Pest & Lawn Turflon Ester, manufactured by Monterey, is a triclopyr based herbicide designed to control post-emergent broadleaf weeds and grasses. This product is made to control grasses and weeds that have emerged or are established, not as a pre-emergent treatment. Turflon is highly concentrated, and is a powerful addition to any weed control or grass ...
White Clover | Home & Garden Information Center White clover (Trifolium repens), also known as Dutch clover, is a cool-season perennial that is often found growing in patches along roadsides, pastures, and lawns.It is a low-growing plant with creeping stems (stolons) that produce roots and shoots at nodes (joints) along the stem, which helps the plant to …
Monterey Turflon Ester Herbicide - Questions & Answers A. Monterey Turflon Ester Herbicide is best applied to bermuda in the spring when it is just starting to green up and it can take multiple applications. It should be applied just until the bermudagrass is wet. For such a small area the 1 gallon would be the easiest way to apply.
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